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Meet the 2024-2025 Vaughn PTA Board!


President Subia Ahmad
Vice President, Programs Beth Cuevas
Vice President, Fundraising Valerie Wood
Vice President, Membership Katie Boguslawski
Secretary Amanda Archibald
Treasurer Bethany Rucker
Parliamentarian Rafia Aleem
Council Delegate Emily Richardson
Historian Dinah Segaye
Book Fair Chair  
Carnival Chair Emily Hill
Cultural Arts Chair Jordan Kemph
Communications Chair Katie Strong
Community Partners Chair Suzie Van Sickle
Diversity Chair Colby Badiyan
Environmental Chair Flo Selbach
Faculty Grants Chair Jen Sparks
Fall Fundraiser Chair  
Healthy Lifestyles Chair Felicia Seyedkalal
Hospitality Chair Neha Heidler
Room Parent Chair Ann Do
SAGE Chair Gunjan Deo
Spirit Chair Kristi Cornwell
Volunteer Chair  
WatchDOGS Chair Derek Gaudet


Click a name to email a PTA Board member!


Each Committee Chair requires 3-5 volunteers. To join a Committee, please email the Chair for more information. Thank you for your support!

7/3/2024 8:31 pm